Bobs Multir Updates

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Revision as of 21:16, 4 April 2014 by Bobgian (talk | contribs)

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April 4 2014 Update

Bob's Update

  • This Week
    1. Continued familiarization with MultiR codebase (and GIT, and Eclipse, etc).
    2. Ran part of 2-by-2 experiment: the Baseline+Generalized Features, No-Partitioning case.
  • Next Week
    1. Will finish (if needed) and write up results of 4-way (2-by-2, Generalized-added/Baseline-only versus Partitioned/No-Partitioned) experiment.
    2. Highest priority: Starting discussions with users and preliminary design of Information Omnivore Database to hold results/data/etc for all experiments in NLP group. This will extend some preliminary design work by Stephen and will start with consultations with potential users (probably Lydia first). Will lead to implementation over next month or so.
    3. Lower priority (ie, back-burner): Design of tracing mechanism for MultiR project which (hopefully) will elucidate role of features in training process, so we can track cause of apparent overgeneralizations. This hopefully will lead to a general tool that can be used to track internal behavior of Multir and other learning systems.

March 21 2014 Update

  • Bob's update
    1. See document [1]