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This page has pointers to documents, resources, and demos.

Project Log

1. MeetingNotes

2. Vulcan/Experiments


1.Inference Example

2.System Design [Added a system architecture figure.]

3.Stephen's examples for quantification inference, and rule templates



NY Regents Sample of 4th-12th grade questions.

Current Training Set.


Concept and Definitions extracted from 4th grade specific resources by Harcourt and McMillan.

A subset of definitions covering 4th grade science syllabus. The definitions are extracted from about seven different dictionaries.

Wikipedia sentences covering the target concepts.

Study Guide materials

Barrons Grade 4 Science Topics

Barrons Grade 4 Science Sentences


Triplestores and Graph Inference Systems

A comparison of semantic reasoners

A comparison of Triplestores

OpenRuleBench: An Analysis of the Performance of Rule Engines


1. Verifying Propositions -- This interface takes a natural language sentence as input and finds support for the tuples extracted from the sentence. e.g., Antibiotics kill bacteria.



Underspecified Quantification

Aurelie Herbelot, Thesis.

BLP and MLNs

Learning to “Read Between the Lines” using Bayesian Logic Programs

Raghavan and Mooney, ACL 2012