Extraction Browser

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(Re)starting the Extraction Browser Web Demo on Reliable

Restarting the Servlet Process

  1. Log in to reliable as knowall
  2. Run the command 'screen -ls' to check that a screen called 'extractionBrowser' is not already running. If it is, switch to it (using command 'screen -r extractionBrowser') and skip the next step.
  3. run the command 'screen -S extractionBrowser'. to start a new screen session for the demo.
  4. run the command 'java -jar ~/web/jetty/jetty-distribution-8.0.4.v20111024/webapps/extractionbrowser-1.0.0-jetty-console.war --port 8088'. This will start the extraction browser servlet listening on port 8088 (openie.cs forwards requests to reliable.cs:8088)
  5. If everything works normally, stdout should display a small amount of output ending with the text "STARTING", without any error messages or stack traces. At this point, the Servlet is ready to serve demo requests.
  6. Verify that you can see the demo at http://openie.cs.washington.edu and http://reliable.cs.washington.edu:8088
  7. Detach the screen session by pressing Control-a d.

Restarting memcached

  1. Log in to reliable as knowall (if you haven't already)
  2. Check that memcached is not already running with the command 'ps aux | grep memcached'. If memcached is running, you will see a process that looks like knowall 17054 0.0 0.0 341780 16836 ? Ssl 01:10 0:00 ./memcached -d -m 2048 -l -p 11211
  3. If memcached is already running, kill it using the command 'kill <pid>' where <pid> is memcached's PID.
  4. Start a new memcached daemon process by running the command '/home/knowall/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached -d -m 2048 -l `hostname --ip` -p 11211'
  5. Verify that both the demo and memcached are working properly by checking that demo queries either report "cache miss" or "from cache" at the top of the results page.

Note: Extraction Browser should automatically restart itself under knowall on the machine reliable in the event of a reboot, due to the following crontab entries: (as of 12/23/2011)

  • @reboot screen -dmS extractionBrowser java -jar ~/web/jetty/jetty-distribution-8.0.4.v20111024/webapps/extractionbrowser-1.0.0-jetty-console.war --port 8088
  • @reboot /home/knowall/local/opt/memcached/bin/memcached -d -m 2048 -l `hostname --ip` -p 11211