NSF IDM 2003 Home

Milestones and Deadlines




August 1, 2003 Workshop registration
August 1, 2003 Make hotel reservations
August 8, 2003 Demo proposals
August 15, 2003 Three-page reports of each project funded by IDM, even if none of its PIs attend the workshop
August 22, 2003 Group formation
September 5, 2003 Discussion/breakout group position statement
September 14-16, 2003 IDM03 workshop !!
September 24, 2003 Release of IDM03 report to the research community and NSF; deadline for the corresponding finished IDM03 WWW with access to the report contents

Please send any questions or problems on this www page to:  nsf2003@cs.washington.edu
Mon May 19 16:33:53 PDT 2003